Reduction of Energy Usage

Energy Sources

We, humans, either produce energy or consume energy, and sometimes do both. Let us recap different sources of energy. Two main sources of energy are Renewable energy and Non- Renewable energy.

What is the Problem?

In the current era, the problem is that high energy usage contributes to climate change, air pollution, and global warming. High energy consumption also leads to higher greenhouse gas emissions, CO2 emissions, fossil fuels, acid rains, and ozone layer depletion affecting the environment. High usage of fossil fuels emits more carbon dioxide in the air. Other important factors that contribute to energy usage are transportation and utilities.  Transport alone uses 25% of World energy. The utilities consumption reached up to 22,315 TWh in 2018.

Sustainable Energy Consumption

Calculate Your Personal Energy Consumption

In Canada, 82% of greenhouse gas emissions come from energy. Canada consumes a total of 522.20 billion kWH of electric energy per year. The total energy usage in Canada is 1,812 Petajoules. The global average of CO2 consumption is 4.8 tonnes per year. Canada’s government  offer funds such as Emissions Reduction Fund, Resources for Canada’s natural resources sector.

Use this energy calculator to monitor and measure your energy usage and target to reduce energy consumption to save the planet with a side benefit of saving some money.

What Can WE do?

Like humans, every individual’s action helps to reduce the harmful impact on the environment. There are very few changes we need to bring in our daily lives to do our bit towards saving the environment. We as consumers can make effective decisions that help to reduce the impact while purchasing and utilizing any product or source of energy. Yes, it is possible to reduce environmental impact by just taking some small actions. I would like to stress the point that even if a small group of people starts taking meaningful actions, we can make a difference and influence others to do so.

Reduce Energy usage just by making small changes in your daily life.

If you would like to know more, watch these two videos that show how one can save energy!

Five STEPS that you can take to bring a change!

Shutdown the computer and Unplug all appliance’s when not in use : You can save up to 300 kWh which is equivalent to 88 kg CO2 emission yearly (Sibelga, 2021).

Turn off the lights :This saves on an approximate 15 to 20 dollars every hour depending on the bulb(Mr. Electric, 2021).

Upgrade to LED’s lights: LED’s are 80% more energy efficient and helps you save on electricity bills (Mr. Electric, 2021).

Utilize public transportation instead of personal cars: “Public transportation reduces harmful CO2 emissions by 37 million metric tons annually”(APTA, 2021).

Calculate and manage your energy consumption : Use off Peak hours to save some cost and energy. Utilize energy calculator and take steps towards saving energy.

My Personal Commitment

I personally commit to reduce my energy consumption. By adapting to these small changes in my daily life i have reduced my energy consumption and save money!

  • Shutdown my laptop when not in use instead of the sleep mode.
  • Use Natural light as much as possible and switch off the lights when not in use.
  • Dress according to the temperature and reduce heater/AC usage.
  • Utilize public transportation to reduce air pollution and my carbon footprint.
  • Calculate, measure, and manage the amount of energy consumed to reduce further.

What’s Your Commitment?

Now, if you think about it, there is so much we can do to reduce our energy usage. Why don’t you commit to bringing a positive change to our planet?

What habits are you going to change in your daily routine? Please utilize the energy calculator to determine and achieve reduced energy consumption targets!

Please comment on your responses on what personal action will you take to do your bit for yourself and the world!

Take a step. Bring a change.

Save Energy – Save the Planet- Save Money.


Ontario Energy Board. (October 2020). Ontario Energy Board sets new electricity prices for households and small businesses.

RapidTables. (n.d.). Electricity Bill Calculator.

Energy Calculator. Sanghi, D. Google Docs.

Forms of Energy [JPEG]. Google.

Saving Energy Saving the Planet [JPEG]. Google. Simpletek.

Saving Energy and Money [JPEG]. Google. Clipart key.

Energy Symbol [JPEG]. Google. 123rf.

Sibelga. (2021). How much power does a computer use? And how much CO2 does that represent.

Mr. Electric LLC. (2021).How much energy can you save by turning off the lights?

APTA.(2021). Public Transportation reduces greenhouse gases and conserve energy.

7 thoughts on “Reduction of Energy Usage

  1. The steps we can take to make a difference are so easy, yet so important. I’m definitely going to use all 5 steps to improve my own energy consumption.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What an informative post! I will be sure to shut off my computer each night and unplug appliances that are not in use. This has such a big impact and will extend the useful life of products. I am also in the process of replacing old lightbulbs with LED lights as they die to transition to a more efficient system. Finally, I will remind everyone in my house to always turn off lights when they leave a room and use natural light whenever possible

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thanks! Such small steps lead to a big change in our daily life and towards our planet! Always better to spread awareness among our close ones!


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