Less the tra”shhh…”

Make it less hard for the garbage man by reducing your waste at home .. !! ADITHYA GIRISH The Cambridge dictionary defines waste as “ unwanted matter or material of any type, especially what is left after useful substances or parts have been removed" . We live in a highly advanced and sophisticated world with … Continue reading Less the tra”shhh…”

Tourism? Help it survive.

Tourism has been converted beautiful places into barren ugly lands. It has snatched away the peace and authenticity of the culture. Let us try and maintain the balance for future generations to travel. As humans, we can avoid hunting and poaching. It’s NOT fun! We can stop littering and wasting food. Book eco-friendly hotels that … Continue reading Tourism? Help it survive.

Importance of Electric Cars

In this technological era, the drastic change came in-vehicle technology mainly our vehicle was running primarily on gasoline, but now it is replaced by the electric vehicles. In this changing environment and to conserve our natural resources, electric vehicles play a significant role. https://www.youtube.com/embed/K9m9WDxmSN8?feature=oembed Emissions and Electric Cars As the combustion of gasoline emits a … Continue reading Importance of Electric Cars

Can SUSTAINABLE ENERGY power the world?

“The first law of energy states that energy can nor be created nor be destroyed, it can only be transformed.” The Problem In today’s world, most of the businesses, industries, corporations, consumers, and governments need some type of energy to conduct their operations or tasks on day-to-day basis. It can be described in two categories … Continue reading Can SUSTAINABLE ENERGY power the world?

Dream Green Blog

Why is food waste a problem? Food waste is a serious problem that affects the environment and people. To realize the issue, just think of the resources needed to put food on your table; growing food consumes fossil fuels, water, labor, and financial capital. For example, 170 trillion liters of water were wasted per year … Continue reading Dream Green Blog

Plastic Pollution in the Oceans

The Problem There is an abundance of plastic in the oceans which is harming marine life and worsening the effects of climate change. This pollution is entering the oceans from many different waterways. (National Ocean Service, 2018) Fast Facts “A staggering 8 million tonnes of plastic end up in the world’s oceans every year” (UN Environment).“If … Continue reading Plastic Pollution in the Oceans

PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) @ Conestoga

PRME is the largest voluntary engagement platform for educational institutions to transform their education, research, and thought leadership to promote the universal importance of sustainability, responsibility, and ethics. https://youtu.be/otc1smMV9Yw What is PRME ? PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) was developed in 2007 backed by the United Nations; PRME now has 800 signatories representing institutions … Continue reading PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) @ Conestoga

Reduction of Energy Usage

Energy Sources We, humans, either produce energy or consume energy, and sometimes do both. Let us recap different sources of energy. Two main sources of energy are Renewable energy and Non- Renewable energy. What is the Problem? In the current era, the problem is that high energy usage contributes to climate change, air pollution, and … Continue reading Reduction of Energy Usage

Pssttt, Pass the Cotton?

The Problem: Our Cotton’s Innocence is No More   The Problem: Our Cotton’s Innocence is No More Cotton embodies a beautiful essence of Earth, white, soft and as innocent as a white cotton t-shirt on a summer day, however the darker side of our cotton is often forgotten about, or not thought about at all. … Continue reading Pssttt, Pass the Cotton?

5 Actions Your “Socially Woke” Friends Are Taking To Fight Climate Change.

Days of being “woke” just in terms of fashion are far behind. Now we use the term to describe anyone aware of every social thing happening, not only in fashion. The new woke generation is speaking up against environmentally degrading actions and requesting a change from large corporations, business owners, and the government. Why are … Continue reading 5 Actions Your “Socially Woke” Friends Are Taking To Fight Climate Change.