Golf: The True Cost Of a Par

Golf courses are pristine green facades where golfers go to experience nature themed amusement. Behind the green facade is an industry that exploits land.  It is estimated that a golf course in a cooler climate with more rain will use 1233480.22 liters of water. Golf courses in hotter and drier climates can use 6 times … Continue reading Golf: The True Cost Of a Par

Sustainable Consumption: Less Is Really More

What is the Problem? Sustainable consumption is satisfying basic human needs without depleting the earth’s natural capital. The key process is producing materials from natural resources, such as food, water, energy, and raw materials, at a rate that allows for regeneration without compromising the needs of future generations (UNEP, 2021). The devastating reality is that … Continue reading Sustainable Consumption: Less Is Really More

The Price of the Latest Style

The Problem – Fast Fashion is Destroying our Planet Since the early 2000s, fast fashion has allowed for an endless stream of cheap and disposable clothes keeping consumers up to date on the latest trends. We now buy 60% more clothes each year but keep the items half as long (Reichart & Drew, 2019). This … Continue reading The Price of the Latest Style

Protection of the Great Lakes

Reducing pollution and your ecological footprint for the Great Lakes! By Katie Wilhelm The Problem           The Great Lakes in Canada should be considered the utmost important freshwater resource to all of Canadians, as it supports our nations drinking water, economy, and a significant number of fish and wildlife species (Environment and Climate Change Canada, … Continue reading Protection of the Great Lakes

Extinction of Species

Introduction: According to WWF, the global animal population has reduced by almost two-thirds since 1970. In the last few decades, extinction is happening more quickly because of humans. We have eliminated animals from the world, we have taken over the vast area of animal habitat and caused pollution and global warming. It is estimated that … Continue reading Extinction of Species